Hunter Hunter (2020) is a master class on the elements of fiction presented in a pulse-pounding, grisly story of a…
Hunter Hunter (2020) is a master class on the elements of fiction presented in a pulse-pounding, grisly story of a…
Watching excellent horror films has been a needed and nessesary coping mechanism for the dystopian novel 2020 was.
The Deeper You Dig is a thoughtful and engaging ghost story about obsession, searching for closure and vengeance that drives…
This year's Shocktoberfest wraps up the Halloween movie season with a group of (mostly) pure fun horror movies for the…
In troubled times, horror provides a much needed balm to sooth the savaged soul.
This week's edition of Shocktoberfest 2020 views some old world horrors under the electric lights of the modern world.
12 Hour Shift is a harrowing and humorous journey through a hellish double shift in an Arkansas hospital in 1999.
In an uncertain world, there is comfort to be found in horror. Gaze upon Shocktoberfest 2020, Third Edition's ghastly goodies!
This week's Shocktoberfest looks at some new films and digs into the past, trying to make sense of today's real-life…
From a tradition forged from nightmares, here are the first week's movies from my yearly Shocktoberfest!