This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and...
This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and...
This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and...
This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and...
This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and starring Ben Daniels, Alfonso Herrera,…
This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and starring Ben Daniels, Alfonso Herrera,…
This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and starring Ben...
This week's edition explores a link between contemporary filmmaker James Wan and Frank Henenlotter and the golden age of exploitation.
Friday night pizza and horror movies are the balm that soothes the soul. Join me for Digiorno's and a triple…
Shocktoberfest 2021 The better to understand than to be understood edition! We exam 3 movie villains who just want to…
This year's Shocktoberfest wraps up the Halloween movie season with a group of (mostly) pure fun horror movies for the…