I guess SOMEBODY got my letters! The weird production of this second Suicide Squad movie, that Warner Brothers seems determined to make happen, just got a whole lot weirder. And a whole hell of a lot more sexier!
Variety reported today that due to dreaded “scheduling conflicts” Will Smith was dropping out of the Skwad sequel. Smith is to be replaced by none other than Idris Elba. I mean, getting James Gunn to write and direct this thing was one thing. But, now, Idris Elba is going to star in it alongside Margot’s Harley Quinn?! You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
Tarantino quotes aside. I think this is cool news for everybody involved. Gunn’s 2021 slated sequel gets another jolt of star power, and Elba FINALLY gets a big franchise role he can sink his teeth into. The less said about The Dark Tower, the better. Shame we have to lose like the one other thing that worked about the first one, but DC Movies, right?!
Now can we please get some great OG Skwad members in this one? I’m talkin’ Bronze Tiger! Count Vertigo! Captain Cold! Gimmie the reaaalllll lowlives of the DC Universe.
What about you? Who do you want to see in the Skwad sequel? Do you think the cast of the first one all hate that they got those stupid tattoos? How much do you love Idris Elba? Let us know in the comments below.