This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and...
This serial column revisits The Exorcist television series. Conceived by Jeremy Slater for FOX and...
Ginger Snaps turns twenty this year. Let's celebrate the cult favorite that broke all the male-centered rules of 80s and…
Ravenous is the perfect kind of movie to watch in the winter. Hell, you can even put on a stew…
Incident in a Ghostland continues beyond where Martyrs ended. Incident in a Ghostland reinterprets horror movie tropes, defying their conventional…
Justin gives us a personal essay about what Battle Royale means to him.
Let’s be honest. We are in what could be considered a golden age for horror....
It’s been 10 years since A Perfect Getaway was released. I think it’s safe to say that it will remain…
SEIZURE is not a movie you’re going to fall in love with, but it's an experience you're never going to…