Watch this and then we’ll talk.
Florence Pugh! GET OUTTA THERE! Also? Had NO idea Chidi from The Good Place was in this thing until this trailer. But in all seriousness, it is really nice to know that Ari Aster does not plan on fucking around post-Hereditary.
Your mileage will obviously vary based on how you feel about his last horror effort, but this looks, to this writer, like a really nice upgrade from Aster. Both in terms of scope and tension. Plus, any movie that even feels like The Wicker Man has me in the tank.
Also, bloody good on A24 for giving Aster the room to grow. We haven’t really gotten a great cult based horror movie since Ti West’s The Sacrament and this looks all kinds of fucked. Better believe I am there with bells on once this thing drops in August.
But what do you all think? Are you into this? Did you like Hereditary? Or are you like our beloved Chief Insha who just thought it was “Fine”? Let us know in the comments below.