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“Sorry for the wait! Was it AWFUL?”

We are pretty in the tank around here for Noah Hawley’s Legion. So much so, I covered the entirety of S2 over at our sister station Rogues Portal. So, naturally we are a little bummed that it is coming to an end with the upcoming S3.

But by the looks of the above trailer, it is DAMN sure going out on it’s own terms. It will be delivering a truly bonkers looking ending as David Haller (with surely his murderous and morally dubious alters in tow) and the Shadow King take their war to the battleground of time itself.

We also thankfully get check-ins with the rest of our merry mutant band. After where we left everybody after S2, it was a true breath of fresh air. Syd is still an absolute badass and looks to be taking a very active role in the hunt for David. Ptonomy is getting a robot body thanks to Cary Loudermilk and Vermillion! Which is just so freaking X-Men I could scream.

But beyond all that, we get our first real look at Harry Lloyd’s Charles Xavier. Strapping on Cerebro no less! I won’t lie, the end of S2 left a truly horrible taste in my mouth, despite me still loving the show. But it looks like S3 is going to bring this whole twisted saga to a rousing end. One that will hopefully salvage the wreckage the last episode left the show in.

We will be watching this one closely around here. What do you all think? Happy to see Syd and the gang back? Also how awesome is Dan Stevens? Let us know in the comments below.

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By Justin Partridge

Lover of table top RPGs, prog rock, and anything with Walton Goggins in it. Find his other blathering at THE COLLINSPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY.

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